Why Dr. Justin Became a Chiropractor

When I was a kid, starting as early as three years old, I began having migraines and I suffered through my childhood. I was seeing every doctor imaginable, and it seemed like everyone had a different opinion on what was wrong.

Some doctors thought my eyes were causing migraines. Others thought I should be taking pills to make the situation better. Being completely honest, some of the pills I took definitely weren’t FDA approved. Through all of the poking, prodding, tests, CT scans, MRIs and more, nothing was working for me.

Once I got to college, I really began diving into the nervous system to find my own answers. I majored in neuroscience and gained a lot of insight. However, it wasn’t until a summer road trip that it all clicked. I was driving across the country for a summer, and during the drive I developed severe muscles spasms in my lower back. At the suggestion of a friend, I visited a chiropractor. There, we chatted about the nervous system and he explained to me how I had a pinch in my neck. That was causing my migraines. The upper cervical pinch was also giving me constant indigestion and contributing to my low back pain.

Throughout the summer I received chiropractic treatment, and wouldn’t you know it, my symptoms went away. No more migraines, low back pain or indigestion. That’s what started me on my journey.

From there I was convinced to dive deeper into the nervous system than ever before. I finished my degree, focusing on how to affect the nervous system and improve it without pills, surgery or complicated medical interventions. From there, I went to Palmer Chiropractic College to really understand the ins and outs of upper cervical chiropractic. This method gives me unique knowledge and treatment methods of that crucial area of the neck.

If you’re suffering from migraines, back pain, vertigo, indigestion or more, I want to talk to you. I’ve been where you are. I know exactly how frustrating it is not to have answers. I also know how frustrating and expensive it can be to try a lot of things that aren’t the right treatment. So, come into the office and I can explain what’s happening in a simple and straightforward way and how I can address it. No neuroscience degree necessary. Feel free to contact our office below!


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